Of cold winter nights

Of cold winter nights Siberian Husky

Siberian Husky

Siberian Husky

Chiots nés le 09/02/2014

Les chiots

Jaliska of cold winter nights
Jaliska of cold winter nights Jaliska of cold winter nights Jaliska of cold winter nights Jaliska of cold winter nights

Jaliska of cold winter nights

Chiot n°666142 chiens-de-france

Femelle réservée

Femelle grise 1
Jicky of cold winter nights
Jicky of cold winter nights Jicky of cold winter nights Jicky of cold winter nights Jicky of cold winter nights

Jicky of cold winter nights

Chiot n°666143 chiens-de-france

Femelle réservée

Femelle grise 2
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Jasko of cold winter nights

Chiot n°666139 chiens-de-france

Mâle réservé

Mâle gris 1
Jengo of cold winter nights
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Jengo of cold winter nights

Chiot n°666137 chiens-de-france

Mâle réservé

Mâle gris 3
Jarod of cold winter nights
Jarod of cold winter nights Jarod of cold winter nights Jarod of cold winter nights Jarod of cold winter nights

Jarod of cold winter nights

Chiot n°666138 chiens-de-france

Mâle réservé

Mâle gris 2
Just a dreamcatcher of cold winter nights
Just a dreamcatcher of cold winter nights Just a dreamcatcher of cold winter nights Just a dreamcatcher of cold winter nights Just a dreamcatcher of cold winter nights

Just a dreamcatcher of cold winter nights

Chiot n°666140 chiens-de-france

Mâle vendu

Mâle gris 4
Jaska of cold winter nights
Jaska of cold winter nights Jaska of cold winter nights Jaska of cold winter nights Jaska of cold winter nights

Jaska of cold winter nights

Chiot n°666141 chiens-de-france

Femelle vendue

Femelle noire

Informations sur la portée

chiot Siberian Husky Of cold winter nights

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